All The Hype

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do All in Jesus' Name

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:28

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23

These verses (along with the rest of the teaching in chapter 3) have been continually brought to surface in my life lately. It is so easy for us to do deceive ourselves into thinking that things we say or do are for God but ultimately what it boils down to is our selfish pride. We attain goals or say things to "build others up" but it's often resulting from our own motiviation to receive something for ourselves - not for the sake of Christ.

This may seem like a simple point on the surface.  Have you been able to unerringly apply this truth to your life?  I know I most certainly am not able to do it on my own - nor do I claim to have come even close.  Only through the power of the Spirit of God may we even come close to reaching this goal.

I don't bring this to you (nor do I usually bring anything that I share here), assuming it is something new or greater than anything else anyone else has said.  No, I hope I never reach that point in my walk as pride is our greatest enemy.  I share this to encourage others.  To point others to Christ.  And I hope if I am ever wrong or if others wish to share with me on my blog (or anywhere else for that matter), that they would speak up.

1 comment:

David said...

Somebody yell "ALL"...Thanks Court for this reminder, and encouragement! It is difficult in our c-r-a-z-y hurried up life, to strive to put Christ first...if we can somehow keep reminding ourselves "i'm far better than I deserve", I feel we'd be better off! "Keep your eyes on Jesus" glance at self, 10,000 looks at Jesus! God Bless, hug "Jabber" David Anweiler