Ava thought it was pretty nice too.

here is the most recent video. no other writings today as we are about to walk out the door!
A lot has been going on here.... I few things to update on.. I will try to make this brief though, as I have Sean's aunt coming with a dresser she is letting Ava and I borrow.
Well, I started off my birthday with a bang... I began my first day of work for 1st Advantage solutions. Since then, I have worked about 7 hours, doing things like filling information in on spreadsheets, making new links on web pages, and making phone calls. I did have the day off for the most part yesterday. Today, I am currently awaiting an assignment. Yesterday I got a call from Misty, a lady from our church family, who works from home as well. Her company had a position open and she wanted to know if I was interested. I said I was, as things are still very dark (as in I am not even sure what or when I get paid with my current company - nor have I had to log my time yet). Today she called to confirm my hire. I am waiting on instructions to begin! Now I am faced with whether or not I should continue employment with my first job. I hate to leave such a nice employer. He is the nicest boss I have ever had! Please pray for me and this situation! And praise the lord for bringing me so many opportunities! I turned down a different job on Tuesday. I also have an interview Friday that I must now cancel! I went from desperately seeking work to home employment overload! God is good. And I think He has a great sense of humor. :)
Ava is now rolling over. I had to run to the office store on Tuesday to send a fax. I was standing in line when my cell rang. It was mom who said, "I am just calling to tell you at 9:10 a.m. on June 3rd, Ava Michelle Jones rolled over for the first time from back to tummy." I was so happy but sad that I missed it! Mamae got her first smile. And she got to see a big milestone first! Haha. She also does this really long groan when she is about to get upset. Especially when she is tired and wanting to go up to our room so she can sleep. She is hilarous. She brings such joy to me. There is never a dull moment in my life anymore. I can thank God for that.
I also remembered last night before falling asleep, with Ava in my arms, how difficult it was to get her here... we had a couple close calls. I had prayed that the Lord would show me more things to be thankful for, and then that realization came back to me. I am so thankful that my precious daughter is even able to overcome these milestone obstacles. If it weren't for the prayer Mom made in the other room during the complications, and the sweet prayer that Monica said, with her arms around me (this just made me cry, haha!), and also of course for the Lord's presence, Miss Ava may not have made it! God is soooo good! My baby is alive and well! And look at her go!
Other than that, I haven't done much. My time has been very consumed by work and searching for it. By the way, Ava now despises the computer.
The video shown in this post was recorded a couple weeks ago... I have another one that we recorded more recently but I'm trying to go in order from now on... So I guess I had better get to posting so I can catch up because there are plenty more to come!